As annual Disneyland pass holders, you can imagine how often we attend the happiest Place on Earth. Well with all that fun at our doorstep, it can get a little repetitive.....for mom. Dad and the girls LOVE it and wish they could attend every day and stay all day. No thank you to that. But I have come up with a quest to make our Disneyland trips more exciting (for me) and something to look forward to. I am on a mission to have the girls pose with EVERY Disney character available in the park. YES, I said every character. I know, I know it is difficult and daunting quest, but is that not what quests are supposed to be? I am super excited about this and I know we can do it. So to start us off, I have put the characters we already have checked off the list in a collage. Now, to schedule the next trip and find the missing characters. Wish us luck! Go Team Villa!!