Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Please Don't use the word Skinny.

I have a confession, I don't care about weight!  There, I said it.  I DO NOT CARE ABOUT WEIGHT.  I don't care that I have weight to lose, or that I have lost weight, or that I look skinnier or fatter or heavier or smaller or that I may be shrinking or anything else that would label the image that my children see.

I have 4 beautiful daughters and I am teaching them to love themselves as they are.  I am teaching them that health is the number one factor, and not weight.  Weight is just a number on a scale and nothing more.  That number does not in any way, shape or form, define them.  That number on the scale does not determine their value or their worth.  They a daughters of a Heavenly Father who loves them no matter that number on the scale.  They are more precious then anything else on this earth.  I will not devalue their life and existence by pinning a number on their back and forcing them to think that that number determines their worth in this life.

I have a history of anxiety, depression and guilt when it comes to weight and weight loss.  I have been bombarded with the words, "skinny", "fat", "weight loss", "diets" and many other of the same negative labeling words throughout my life.  I walked around believing that weight was the deciding factor of my worth here on earth.  My idea of happy and sad was literally based on the number on a scale.  My idea of a good day or a bad day was determined by a number going up, down or staying the same.  My idea of what I could and could not do in this life was decide by my size.  WHY?

Why do we focus on thin, fat, heavy, skinny, overweight?
Why would we teach this to our children?


It is time to refocus what we are teaching our kids about health.  Health is not about skinny or fat.  Health is so much more then that.  And so very important.  Yet we are not teaching it to our children.

I have made it my quest to raise confident children without a focus on weight, shape, size or appearance.  They are beautiful because God created them that way.  God created them that way and it is my job to raise them with beautiful thoughts about themselves.  Help them see what he sees.


Phantom Facebook Friends don't care much for anything you say or do and they never comment or message or post unless it is meant to somehow make you feel small.  Yeah, I don't love PFF.  Oh well.  Be kind, Judge Less and Love More.