Well, we are home from a long 40 hours of Emergency room, hospital and surgery drama. On Saturday June 19th, Brooklyn stepped on a hidden quilting needle, buried deep in our carpet. She cried when it happened and ran to me for comfort. After a big kiss and an examination of her foot and a band aid, she was "all better". No complaints Sunday and nothing on Monday morning. So we went to Disneyland to play. She walked around the park all day and had a blast with her sisters. Toward the end of the day, Brook started limping on her right foot. We got home and I took off her shoes to look at the foot. I was surprised to see her little foot red and swollen. She would not let me touch the top of her foot because it hurt so bad. So I asked Eddie if maybe he thought the needle may have broken off inside her foot. He realized the same time I did that when we found the needle after the accident, it was indeed broken. It had not even dawned on us that the piece was inside her foot. BUT IT WAS!
We took her to the CHOC Hospital emergency and there we waited for 4 hours. We had Xrays that showed us the foreign object. Then they debated on surgery in the ER, and finally around 3 AM, they admitted us into the hospital to wait for an orthopedic surgeon to do the surgery the next day. There was also a possible infection in her foot and they wanted to keep an eye on that.