Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Dr. Seuss Said.......

I will be the first to say that I am not at all the "silent" type.  Nor am I willing to "bite my tongue" on issues that I feel strongly about.  And I will never "let it slide" when someone crosses the line.  This frightens people.  They don't understand it because its not something they accept as normal.  but it is my normal.  I don't ever want to be silenced.  Standing up for myself, my beliefs and my values have always been part of my life.  So why should standing up period be and less "noble"?  Oh because it might offend someone?  Or maybe they are tired of reading  hearing it?  Whatever it may be, it doesn't matter.  This is me.  I deal with my life every single day and I have done a pretty good job thus far and will continue to do what I do best.  Speak up.  I will never allow myself to be hushed.  It is not in my nature.

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