Thursday, July 1, 2010

How do they do it?

You know, all those crafty, organized, "on top of things" moms.  How do they do it?  How do they keep their "snack drawers" from being invaded by little hands?  How do they keep the "craft cupboard" so tidy and stocked.  How do they come up with these amazing FHE charts?  How do they keep on top of chore charts and allowances?  How do they have each and every day of summer all planned out and scheduled to keep each kiddo happy?  I find myself reading the most amazing SAHM blogs and just kicking myself for not being able to put into play the things that they suggest doing.  Lord knows that I am trying, I have a snack drawer, but it was empty after 3 days.  THREE DAYS!  Holy hungry kids Batman!!  I have a craft cupboard, but my girls think that it is more of a glue free for all.  I own the cutest weekly chore charts, but it is only exciting for one day and then.....BORING the very next day.  Question with that is, if it is such a boring chart after the first day and no one remembers to fill it out each day, then how come all the hands come out on Saturday....allowance day?  Weird!  Oh and I don't even want to get going on quiet time.  Oh boy!  At least I am trying and at least I am good at trying.  I really am good at trying.  Maybe I should start a blog for those moms who "try".  Do you think that blog would be popular? 

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