Wednesday, September 15, 2010

And the Award for Best Dr. Visit Goes to........


Today Jacque had to go in for her 4 year old physical and well check.  Included in this visit were 5, count them, 1,2,3,4,5 vaccinations.  5 Shots!  FIVE.  Knowing this rather large number, I had to go in with a plan.  Jacquelynn is my most vocal child.  When she does not like something, SHE DOES NOT LIKE IT!!!  

So the plan was to prepare her for what was to come.  You can't surprise Jacque, she is too smart for that.  So I prepared her for the parade of shots.  She freaked out when I told her.  Yelling for more the 20 minutes.  Thankfully I told her a few days in advance and not the day of.  So today, the day of the visit, I was ready.  In the car, I told her that if she was a tough kid and did not yell of cry in her visit, then we would go directly to Target after and she could get her Puppy in a Purse.  She has been wanting this since Brooklyn got hers for her Birthday.  So.....when she heard she could get one if she was a "tough" kid, she was psyched.  

Yes she was psyched then, but would it carry over into the appointment?  

IT SURE DID!  Jacquelynn braced herself, and the shots went in.  She did not wince, budge, cry or even frown.  She was a ROCKSTAR!  This kid was AMAZING!  I was so thrilled and amazed at what she did.  Even the nurses were amazed.  When this little girls wants something, she will go the distance.  LOVE YOU JACK-JACK!!!

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