Sunday, April 3, 2011

Because I don't get to sleep, I can't let others have that luxury.

I have this weird obsession of taking pictures of people while they are sleeping.  Some I take because the picture is so dang cute, but others......well, I take them because I can.  Let me explain.  My family can fall asleep anywhere.  And I mean anywhere.  I kid you not.  They have been caught sleeping on couches, in cars, on a chair, on the floor, eating dinner, in a high chair, next to the shower, in the closet, at the desk.  The list goes on and on.  It is so not fair.  I am the type of person that never sleeps, but if by some miracle I do, it must be in my bed, with my body pillow, pitch black, not too hot, but not too cold and absolutely NO sounds.  Yeah good luck with that last one living in an apartment community full of obnoxious college students.  Harmonica playing at 1:30 AM!  Are you freaking serious!!!! whenever I catch my family sleeping during the day (non sleeping hours) I snap their picture.  I have a nice collection.  My favorite person to catch snoozing is by far Joshlyn.  Oh the collection of mouth open drool shots that I have are priceless.  Her favorite place to sleep is definitely in the car  She passes out cold in the 10 minutes it takes for me to drive from her school to our house.  How is that even possible?!?!?  Anyway, whenever she falls asleep, I pull out my phone and SNAP!  Another addition to my ever growing collection.  The flash sound usually wakes her up mid drool and the fist thing she says it "you suck".  My response is, "you drool".  HAHAHAHA.  I know it is not the nicest thing ever, but it makes me smile.  So, I have decided to share pieces of my collection.  Enjoy.

Daddy and Madison, so precious.

Jacquelynn tuckered out at Disneyland

Asleep on a bar stool

Passed out in the car.

This is how uncle Chris sleeps and watches the kids at the same time.

Madison zonked out

Jacquelynn ate so much she slipped into a coma

Jacquelynn sleeping on the kitchen floor.

I love this precious one of Brooklyn

Another car sleeping keeper.


  1. Ange, is that pic from when I had Bells Palsey? I can't remember where that was taken. Regardless, thanks for posting that pictures. I'm sure all your readers made noises such as this while scrolling down the pics. ahh, ahhh, soo cute, ahhh, GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!, ahhh, nice.

  2. Yes Chris it was. I took it at the cabin while you were snoozing away yet keeping an eye on all of us. Hahahaha. I love that picture!
